For your tank dwellers
Controlling the salt level in your aquarium is essential for the health of your fish and the thriving of your plants.
The SmartRef determines the salt content of your saltwater aquarium in ppt, PSU, and SG 20/20. Combined with the mobile app Reef Meister for iOS & Android, you are now able to not only perform regular measurements but keep track of your data with features like in-app storage, management, visualization, and data export.

With a small sample volume of only 0.4 mL, SmartRef and the Reef Meister app deliver highly precise results with automatic temperature compensation (ATC):
- Practical salinity units [PSU]
- Salinity in parts per thousand [ppt]
- Specific gravity [SG 20/20]
- Temperature [°C], [°F]

Determination of salinity in your reef tank with SmartRef Digital Refractometer
Measuring salinity in reef tanks is crucial for any saltwater aquarium owner. Learn what to consider when taking measurements and how best to proceed.